Tuesday, 27 September 2011

It's hard to be funny

I've always wanted to be funny and to make people laugh. I'm not shy in saying I like the attention. Anyone who knows me knows I like to be centre of attention and try and make people laugh. I decided I would use my blog from now as way of trying a bit comedy but I realised being funny is harder than I thought. Making people laugh in person can come naturally to some, but making text funny is a whole different ball game. It's all in the delivery of the joke and you don't have that freedom of delivery in text.

Maybe I'm not ready to be 'funny'? Maybe I should just stick to random ramblings?

Or maybe it is time to start with a vlog?

It's not a hard question!

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

When I was younger I did not understand this question. At school if I was asked a question, I could either answer it or the teacher would correct me, so when thrown this curve ball it causes confusion. I never knew the answer and no one ever told me. 

But now, I am older and wiser and this question makes perfect sense. Come with me, if you will......

Evolution! We've all heard the theory that everything has evolved over time. That if we go back millions of years we as humans have evolved from something which lived in the seas and oceans of the world. So, if this is true, chickens have also evolved from other creatures and both us and chickens are still evolving to adapt to changing surroundings.

If the chicken has evolved from animal X then this animal has gradually changed over time arriving at todays chicken, meaning the egg laid by the given animal will also have changed over time.

So next time you are asked 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?' you can answer with confidence the following:

'Well, when you say the chicken and the egg, are you referring to the chicken as we know it today? Or the egg as we know it today? Or, are you referring to the first stage of chicken, when man began calling it a chicken? If the egg and contained chicken are both constantly evolving could it not be said that the chicken is yet to arrive? Maybe neither will come first. Maybe neither did come first. Who is to say when 'X egg' and animal x became chicken egg and chicken?'

Deflect the question back to them.

Disclaimer: all views above are my own. There are by no means any scientific evidence to the above.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Just wondering.....again!

Seeing my friend Kim last night got me thinking. She had one of those keyrings which gives the meaning of your name. You know the thing, they come in all shapes and sizes, keyrings, bookmarks, mugs, fridge magnets.  I just did a search on my own name to see the meaning of William. The answer - PROTECTOR!! I was just wondering though, do they ever print meanings which are negative? I'd love a keyring to say:

from the Latin meaning 'knobhead'
He is boring, annoying
and an all round bad man.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Just wondering

If I got to the cinema which arm rest is mine? Left or right? Or is it first come first served? If everyone heads in one direction one person at an end gets 2. Similar can be asked when on a plane. Also, is there a weight limit for passengers on a plane? I don't have a problem with larger people flying but I do have a problem when I have to sit next to two larger people and they put the arm rest up and spread on to my seat. We've payed the same price yet they take up a seat and a half and I squished on to just half.  Maybe we should charge them double and just give them two seats...hmmmm.

Shortest blog ever!