Monday, 23 May 2011

Breaking News - New evidence shocks Nursery rhyme world!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

These words seen over 100 years ago have led to a long debate regarding to circumstances of Mr. Dumpty's fall.  A debate has been going since the script was first found with some claiming Mr. Dumpty was pushed with others stating they believed it was an accidental fall.  With no real evidence ever coming to light the case was dismissed and a conclusion of a fall was given.

However, in recent days new evidence was found in Mr. Dumpty's hometown which had led to the case being reopened.  A note was found under floorboards of Mr. Dumpty's barn where he was living at the time.  It is thought the note was written by Humpty Dumpty himself.

The note read:

Life has become hard for me. My parents want nothing to do with me.  They say there is no place for a egg with eyes and arms and legs. An egg that doesn't hatch to become a chicken. An egg that talks English and not chicken. An egg that can write.  I feel worthless.

Following discovering of this note police have reopened the case and are looking at a possibility of suicide.  This news will be welcomed by descendants of Mr. Dumpty who will see this as closure.

Pictured: Mr. Dumpty's parents

Monday, 9 May 2011

My Top Ten Favourite Countries - Part of the 1000 club.

Ever since noticing that I can check my 'stats' on my blog it has become an addiction.  Every time I post I look to see how many views I've had. I love that it tells me what countries it is being viewed in. After my first two posts I decided my aim was to get viewed in 10 different countries and have 1000 views.  Both of these have now happened. My blog has (apparently) been viewed in these 10 countries (as of 02/01/2001):

United Kingdom
United States

I do not know if this is true. Living in the UK, I know friends reading it here, but I really have no idea how people in these other countries are reading my blog. If it is true....who are you? And how did you find me?

I want 15

As of 08/05/2011 I now have 1000 views. (Again, apparently)

I do not know if now is the time to give up and leave blogging to the pros.