Thursday 21 October 2010

Love: Just a short response will do.

The other day I heard two young people discussing how much one of them loved his girlfriend.

Person 1: 'Well how much do you love her?'
Person 2: 'Well I love her don't I?'
Person 1: 'Yeah I know, but how much?'

I do not understand this.  Is there a scale for love?  I always thought it was just women who thought in this made up scale of love, but after hearing this male to male conversation clearly I am wrong.  I have a few questions I would like to ask, which I would like anyone to answer allowing me to never fall in to the love related argument with a lady friend.

If someone was to ask, 'how much do you love me?' what is the required response?  I have found that the response 'I love you' is never enough.  If this is not enough can someone please shed some light on how I should respond.  Is there a number scale?? Should you give one of those soppy responses that are soooo cheesy that you see on all of those awful rom-coms.  There is no way of expressing love without it seeming not enough or too much.

After thinking of different ways to approach the whole 'love' question I can see no appropriate answer which will suit all.  This is how I can imagine things playing out in my head:

Scene 1:
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: Well I love you.
Girl: Yes but how much? On a scale of 1-10?
Boy: (confidently) 10!
This is where two responses can occur.
Girl(response 1): 10? 10? I'd have said infinity.
Girl (response 2): You're just saying that!

Clearly this doesn't work

Scene 2:
Boy:  I love you
Girl: How much?
Boy:  More than anything in the world
Girl: Don't be so're just saying that! good!

I am not for one second implying that every person is like this, but can I make a plea that all humankind is just happy with the words I LOVE YOU.  Don't say it if you don't mean it...and then hopefully it seems more real when you do.

Love: Just a short response will do - I love you.

I realise this is quite serious for me...but a very important point!!

PS. Women...never ask me if I think you look nice if you can not accept the answer.  If you're not going to believe me when I tell you you look beautiful or cry when I tell you you look like a Danny Devito look-a-like, don't ask!

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