Thursday 30 September 2010

I truly respect....

As I sit here, at the age of 23, doing work struggling to keep my eyes open, I think to myself: 'when did I become some tired?'  Only 3 years ago I was a full time student.  I dabbled in the art of drinking every day, not shaving for weeks, not cutting my hair for months, staying awake all night just because I could. Sometimes I was such a crazy fool I would even have a nap during the day. I know, I know...Mr Rebel reporting for duty.  Being a student was a simpler time.  I had 5 main worries as a student as I led my day to day life:

1.  If this lecture doesn't finish till 5 will I make it home for neighbours at 5:35.  This concern led to great depression in about 2008 when after first moving to Channel 5 they changed the time to 5:30.  I now had to run.  Things weren't all bad, now on 5 we got an omnibus.
2.  If I go out now and drink at a rate of 1 pint every 25 minutes, how long till my daily allowance runs out and I'm home tucked up in bed? If the answer is before 3, wait an appropriate amount of time before heading out.
3.  Are these shoes a good choice for said night out. Are they a) sensible enough to get me in to a club but also are they b) comfortable enough to be running home in at 4am with a traffic cone on my head.
4.  I hope theres some good stuff on whoopsie and ASDA

As you can see university was a very....

Shit, forgot....

5.  This essay is due in in 12 hours....better start.  Ah well not to worry wikipedia will have all the answers, right?

Being a student really is a wonderful experience.  Its a time to relax, grow, find yourself, become educated....then you must work.  I've been working 2 years and already I'm remembering a happier time of being a student.  I am extremely jealous of any students out there.  Damn you all.

I truly respect old people.  Not just any old people, but old people who have worked all their lives and still seem to smile every day. How do you do it?  How do you not just sit at home all day thinking: 'what have a got to show for all my hard work?' A wrinkly old face, and a few pennies hidden under your bed that you're saving for a rainy day. When I was a kid my nanna always had pennines for a rainy rains loads in the UK, she still has the pennies. Hmmm??

I hope when I'm old a wrinkly, someone respects the contribution I have made to society, whatever that might be.


1 comment:

  1. At the grand old age of 30, and as someone who was working before you even became a student (and yes that does make me feel old) I can say that:
    1. I still enjoy a drink most days,
    2. I still don't shave for weeks,
    3 I haven't had my hair cut for well over a year, the last time I did it was for free,
    4. I frequently go to bed in the early hours of the morning even though it is a school night,
    5. If I want a nap, I have a nap.

    Add to all this I work, a LOT, I still smile every day (hell I love my job), I have loads to show for my work, (you work with 3 examples of this at least) I have pennies for a rainy day, and pounds for the sunny days. I have no wrinkles.

    The problem will is not working so much as your perspective on it.
